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Motherhood and pregnancy come with a burst of joyous emotions to not only the mother-to- be,but also to the entire family! But when it comes to looking after the pregnancy and that precious little pod growing in your tummy, it is the parents of the baby that feel the burden and pressure. There are so many things to plan, manage and take into action- regular obstetrician consultations and visits, periodically required scans and investigations, deciding on and booking the antenatal classes, dietician and physiotherapy appointments and of course, booking the delivery room and planning your hospital stay for the baby arrival. All thisisoverwhelming enough and it doesn’t even sop here.
This is where the little darling- your baby arrives, and then start the Pediatrician appointments, post natal obstetrician appointments, regular vaccinations necessary at birth and just when you think everything is under control mummy realizes that she needs to look after herself too. You will need post-natal physiotherapy, dietician and lactation consultants. Wow! That really sounds like a lot going on there! don’t wrry though. Here, at Femcity, we make this all super easy for you!
Fem9 is an all in one, hassle free package that covers a wide range of services and almost everything you need taken care of during and immediately after your pregnancy.And don’t forget, we offer EMI on Fem 9 too!